The snow of early winter: Ten photos to celebrate how beautiful winter can be
I had another post planned for this week, but then life took over and I didn’t manage to finish writing it. Instead of beating myself up over it, I’m taking some of my own advice and taking a small break. This will be a short, photo-heavy post.
Last week, we were blessed by an early winter storm: freezing rain followed quickly by snow that stuck to the ice on every surface. Then the temperature dropped, so instead of melting the snow stayed that way for days, creating an unbelievable winter wonderland. For almost a week straight it looked like Narnia, and I went out for many long walks and took a million photos.
Over the past few years I’ve really been focusing on embracing winter and the cold. I think of last week’s weather as a perfect example of why. The air smelled crisp and clean, the views were breathtaking, and the grey stormy skies were cozy and comforting.
Which brings us to these photos: a collection of images from my walks through the beauty that was last week. The snow has since melted, but let’s all hope the rest of winter will be this stunning.

Until next time.