My work

Below are some examples of the content marketing work I've done throughout my career.

Guide: How to Get More App Downloads in the Shopify App Store

Created as pillar content for the Shopify Partner Blog, this piece was a massive cross-functional undertaking intended to fill an education gap in our onboarding funnel and act as a strong driver of organic traffic to the blog. It surpassed the goals set for it and was one of our top-performing blog posts of 2020.

Newsletter: What’s New for Partners and Developers at Shopify

I started the What's New product newsletter in 2019 to keep our audience of developers informed of product news and updates at Shopify. I continue to own it today. It is shared primarily via email, and has grown to include hundreds of thousands of subscribers and maintains a healthy engagement rate. On the blog, it remains our highest-performing piece of content month-over-month.

As editor: How to Build a Shopify App: The Complete Guide

I did not write this guide, but I was the editor and team lead overseeing its creation. This guide was another huge, cross-functional undertaking. I supported the writer of this article by connecting them with subject matter experts, unlocking review processes, coordinating with SEO, editing and refining the piece, and more. The creation of this article was a key strategic investment, and it remains one of the top performing pieces of content created while I led the developer content marketing team at Shopify.

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